With a goal of making your business be in harmonized with current regulations in area of environmental protection, we are inviting you to a training:
Duties and responsibilities in practice for Professional person for environmental protection
Date: 21.06.2022. from 09h to 16h
Location: Hotel Šumadija, Šumadijski Trg 8, hall „Kalemegdan“, Beograd
In the moment when Serbia is preparing to open chapter 27 with a goal of joining EU, we, as companies, and as individuals, have common goal of protecting the environment.
The field of environmental protection is currently regulated by over 100 legal acts.
Even if with current legislative is not defined obligation for companies to appoint a person for environmental protection, but practice shows that responsible companies do exactly that. Obligations of person for environmental protection are to monitor changes in regulations and make company’s activities in compliant with them.
Finishing this training you will learn what are the obligations of companies, in terms of emissions in air, emissions in water, both, on surface and underground, noise, non-ionizing radiation, generating waste and how all that looks in practice.
Goal: Responsible management of the company’s natural resources and harmonization of operations with the current Regulation in the field of environmental protection.
APPLY: TEHPRO d.o.o., Lole Ribara 120, 11250 Beograd – Železnik / Contact: Dragana Rašić; 062/8081-483; e-mail: dragana.rasic@tehpro.rs