In 2005 we have established a Training and Education Center as an integral part of our company and it went on to become the first such center in Serbia to be certified as a Publicly Recognized Organizer of Adult Education and Learning Activities (PROAELA).
TRAINING FOR OBTAINING A LICENSE FOR MAKING ASSESSMENTS DISASTER RISK AND PROTECTION AND RESCUE PLAN Only legal entities that are authorized by the Ministry of internal afairs can organise Training ... More
Belgrade, 11250
TRAINING FOR HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK With the experience of over 30 years in this field, we successfully prepared over 3000 participants, whom then after passed the professional exam ... More
Belgrade, 11250
So far, over 10.000 participants underwent training in different modules we have designed for a variety of profiles.
We have developed procedures, curricula and syllabi, as well as teaching and material basis for delivering both internal and external education, training and learning modules in the area of safety and protection.
Out moto is:
Learning leads to true Values!
Basic training/education of employees in the area of safety and protection (occupational health and safety, fire protection and prevention, environmental protection)
In keeping with provisions of the Law on Occupational Health and Safety and the Law on Fire Protection and Prevention which stipulate that each and every employee in the Republic of Serbia must undergo training in occupational health and safety as well as in fire protection and prevention and must periodically take knowledge and skills tests in these areas, we are proud to offer and deliver basic training programs in the area of occupational health and safety and in fire protection and prevention aimed at fully meeting client’s legal obligations.
Even though special training programs for employees in environmental protection and emergency situations are not mandatory, these courses are certainly socially justifiable and are in the best interest of employers.
We deliver these training and education modules in line with the law and other regulations following our own methodology. Upon successful completion of these trainings and education modules, we issue necessary documentation and certificates which are needed to comply with mandatory registers.
Expert training and education of employees:
According to the Labor Law and regulations governing occupational health and safety, employers have the obligation to organize continuous training and education of their employees. Employees are not permitted to work in specific jobs and operate certain types of work equipment if they have not been adequately trained and certified.
We organize and deliver special training and education courses for employees and we issue certificates or credentials to that effect.
Expert trainings:
- Working around dangerously high voltage (operation, construction and maintenance of electrical installations and plants),
- Working in zones potentially at risk of explosion (operation, construction of installations and maintenance in zones at risk of explosion),
- Working with hazardous substances,
- Working at heights,
- Working in excavations / depths,
- Working in confined spaces,
- Working in proximity to water,
- Working with heavy loads (handling),
- Working on the construction site,
- Isolation and lockout of hazardous energy sources (LOTO),
- System of permits for work in hazardous Environments,
- Working around hazardous chemicals,
- Working around asbestos,
- Working around physical hazards,
- Working around biological hazards,
- Management of occupational health and safety protection in high-risk environments (occupational health and safety).
Expert training – operating work equipment:
- Hand held mechanical tools,
- Small farming machines,
- Farming machinery,
- Means of internal transport,
- Equipment for liftiing and moving loads,
- Small scale construction machines,
- Construction machinery,
- Equipment for processing wood and similar materials,
- Metal processing equipment,
- Cooling machines,
- Sterilization machines (autoclave),
- Pressurised vessels and equipment,
- Gas detection devices,
- SCBAs,
- Fall protection equipment / PPE for working at heights.
*Training in professional and safe work when assembling scaffolding in construction work
*Training of Employees operating mining Machinery, installations and Devices used in the process of prospecting, preparation and exploitation of solid minerals, oil and gas.
*Training for petrol station attendants
*Training for ESD coordinators
Training in utilization of specific equipment for collective protection and personal protective equipment:
- Training in utilizing SCBAs,
- Training in utilizing CPS,
- Training in utilizing gas detectors,
- Training in utilizing fall protection equipment,
- Training in utilizing breathable air compressors.
Preparatory training for taking certification exam in the area of occupational health and safety – education of professionals in occupational health and safety
Our company is the only one which continuously organizes training courses in occupational health and safety and prepares candidates for taking the certification exam.
Since 2006 we have delivered over 110 courses in Belgrade and in other cities and towns throughout Serbia. So far, we have trained more than 2300 participants by delivering different
occupational health and safety training courses, education sessions and learning modules.
Preparatory training for taking certification exam in the area of fire protection and prevention – special training
Preparatory training for taking certification exam in the area of emergency situations
Advanced course for training expert personnel in occupational health and safety and expert personnel in fire protection and prevention including visits to companies with good practice examples
After successfully passing the certification exam, a person obtains formal qualifications for performing these activities for their employer. Complex and multidisciplinary activities demand
a continuing education approach.
We have developed a two-day advanced training course. During the first day, participants engage in the exchange of opinions and present good practice examples in areas of occupational health and safety and fire protection and prevention. On the second day of the training course, participants visit a selected company which adheres to the highest standards in this area. The purpose of this visit is to get a better grasp of the practical implementation of national regulations as well as of European and company standards.
Training of employers and managers at all levels in areas such as occupational health and safety, fire protection and prevention, as well as environmental protection
The state of affairs in occupational health and safety, fire protection and prevention or environmental protection is a direct consequence of managers’ capacity to manage risks. Facts show that Serbian managers lack sufficient training which would enable them to define risk management policies and objectives in the area of safety and protection. In addition, it appears that they do not fully grasp the profit logic behind preemptive investing in safe and healthy work conditions, fire protection and prevention as well as in environmental protection.
Special types of training: conferences, seminars, workshops, expert discussions, class rooms
Our moto implies that only employers who fully comprehend and understand their rights, obligations and responsibilities in the area of protection and safety, have the ability to detect quality, experience and accountability on the market. This is the reason we organize special, targeted subject matter trainings such as seminars, expert opinion exchanges and subject matter
related expert discussions for employers, managers and professionals tasked with occupational
health and safety, fire protection and prevention as well as environmental protection, offering them an opportunity to engage with their peers in an exchange of opinions, knowledge dissemination and practical experience sharing.
In addition, on the occasion of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, each year we organize an opinion exchange event on topical occupational health and safety issues and challenges.
Likewise, with expert assistance of the department for Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we organize training seminars on particular issues in the area of occupational health and safety.