Subject: Preparatory course for taking the vocational exam

From 24. 10.2022.
09.00h – 16.00h

All persons who perform fire protection work must submit an expert exam in fire protection before the commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia. The requirement for exams is mandatory preparatory course according to the programme defined by the appointed minister.
Company “TEHPRO” d.o.o. has extensive experience in organizing special forms of education in the field of fire protection, occupational health and safety and environmental protection. The experience and competences of all our educators guarantee the quality of work and high percentage of candidates passing the exam.

Way of realization
The program, contains 180 teaching hours, is implemented with a dynamic that is consistent with the structure and capabilities of the participants through the appropriate forms of teaching work and content.

TEHPRO d.o.o., Lole Ribara 120, 11250 Belgrade – Železnik
Contact: Dragana Rašić; 062/8081-483; E-mail: